Single-letter day and month names in Power BI

Occasionally in Power BI, you may want to display day or month names as single letters to save space. This may result in duplicates because neither day nor month names are unique when you shorten them to one letter. In this blog post, I’m showing two solutions to the problem: one in DAX and one in Power Query (M language). Continue reading “Single-letter day and month names in Power BI”

Sort by Column in Power BI

The Sort by Column feature of Power BI and tabular data models in general is well-known. The simplest example is sorting month names by their actual position in a year instead of the default (alphabetic) order. There is a popular misconception that there must be a one-to-one mapping between the column you are sorting and the column you are sorting by. This is not so, and in this blog post I am discussing unusual applications of the Sort by Column feature. Continue reading “Sort by Column in Power BI”