Working with comma-separated values (CSV) in DAX

There are instances where you get a comma-separated list of keys in each row of a table, and you need to replace it with lookup values. This blog post shows two ways of addressing this situation in DAX. But first, why would you want to do it in DAX? Continue reading “Working with comma-separated values (CSV) in DAX”

Converting hexadecimal to decimal numbers in Power Query

On more than one occasion I saw people writing complex functions in M to convert hexadecimal numbers to decimal ones (Greg Deckler and Soheil Bakhshi, to name a few). In this blog post, I’d like to share probably the quickest way of doing it. Continue reading “Converting hexadecimal to decimal numbers in Power Query”

Understanding model recalculation in Power BI

Have you ever wondered why in Power BI calculated columns and calculated tables are called calculated and measures are not? That’s because in a certain sense, measures aren’t calculated, and calling them “calculated measures” is wrong. In this blog post, I’m discussing the implications of it–what recalculation in Power BI is, and how you can perform it. Continue reading “Understanding model recalculation in Power BI”

Safely transforming column types in Power Query

The Table.TransformColumnTypes function in M throws an error when you try to transform the data type of a column that does not exist. As of March 2020, there is no missingField parameter that can address this issue, in contrast to some other Table functions, like Table.RemoveColumns, which I blogged about before. This blog post shows how to imitate the behavior of the MissingField.Ignore argument in Table.TransformColumnTypes.
Continue reading “Safely transforming column types in Power Query”

Using text measures in multi-row cards in Power BI

A not-so-well-known feature of the multi-row card visual in Power BI is that it can have its own title, called Card Title, in addition to the title any visual can have. In the image above, the Card Title is blue, and it is formatted separately from the visual title. It only works if you use one measure that returns text, and all other visuals are not text. In this blog post, I’m sharing a technique to display text as values in a multi-row card and still have the special Card Title. Continue reading “Using text measures in multi-row cards in Power BI”



There are multiple ways of averaging values in DAX. Some of the most popular ways are mean (AVERAGE), median (MEDIAN) and mode (no built-in function; see DAX Patterns for an example). Yet another is TRIMMEAN, which exists in Excel. There is no corresponding function in DAX, and this blog post shows how you can replicate the function in DAX. Continue reading “TRIMMEAN in DAX”